There are a number of divisions for our New Zealand V6/V12 Quota for the World Sprints that have not yet been filled.
Click here to view the spreadsheet of unallocated quota - please note this spreadsheet will be updated as we receive requests and payments from clubs.
If your club would like to fill one of these quota spots (see link above) - please email by the 15th January 2022. All requests must be approved by a club representative via email.
Once we have received your request - we will send an invoice to the club for the full amount. Once the invoice is paid - the quota spot will be confirmed. Please note we will not be checking emails regularly between Christmas and the New Year.
The unallocated quota will be filled on a first in first serve basis. We will not be accepting requests for any divisions that are over OR equal to the quota (Quota = 6 teams per V6 event, 3 teams per V12 event)
Click here to view current intents by event