In order for the event to take place safely, a full road closure of Tamaki Drive between Ngapipi Rd and Long Drive will be in place from 4am – 11am on race day. During this time – other than race and emergency services vehicles – absolutely no vehicles will be permitted access within the road closure. Cyclists – this means you too. Limited, single-file access to Orakei Marina and Kohimarama Yacht Club may be provided at the organiser’s sole discretion. Please check with the commodore for details.
A contra-flow system will be in operation on the causeway section of Tamaki Drive – from Mechanics Bay to Ngapipi Rd – from 5am until 9am. During this time, vehicular traffic heading east and west will share the two lanes on the landward side of the road. The two lanes on the seaward side of the road will be reserved for runners. Drivers are encouraged to slow down and proceed with caution through the causeway section of Tamaki Drive during the event.